
Gauge #


A widget to display a progress bar.

A GaugeWidget renders a bar filled according to the value given to the specified ratio. The bar width and height are defined by the area it is in.

The associated label is always centered horizontally and vertically. If not set with

The label is the percentage of the bar filled by default but can be overridden.

Example #

Show code


use PhpTui\Tui\Color\AnsiColor;
use PhpTui\Tui\DisplayBuilder;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Widget\GaugeWidget;
use PhpTui\Tui\Style\Style;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$display = DisplayBuilder::default()->build();

Parameters #

Configure the widget using the builder methods named as follows:

ratiofloatRatio from 0.0 to 1.0
labelPhpTui\Tui\Text\Span|nullOptional label, will default to percentage (0.00%)
stylePhpTui\Tui\Style\StyleStyle of the gauge