
Inline #


Viewport that is displayed after the cursor’s current position.

You can use this viewport in with Display#insertBefore in order to add content before the viewport, which can be usedful for “logging” progress.

Example #

Show code


use PhpTui\Term\Event\CursorPositionEvent;
use PhpTui\Term\EventProvider\ArrayEventProvider;
use PhpTui\Term\RawMode\TestRawMode;
use PhpTui\Term\Terminal;
use PhpTui\Tui\Bridge\PhpTerm\PhpTermBackend;
use PhpTui\Tui\DisplayBuilder;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Widget\BlockWidget;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Widget\GridWidget;
use PhpTui\Tui\Layout\Constraint;
use PhpTui\Tui\Text\Title;
use PhpTui\Tui\Widget\Borders;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$title = '';

// -----
// ignore this! it is to enable this to work in "headless" mode for the tests.
$backend = PhpTermBackend::new(Terminal::new(
    eventProvider: ArrayEventProvider::fromEvents(new CursorPositionEvent(0, 0), new CursorPositionEvent(0, 0)),
    rawMode: new TestRawMode(),
// -----

$display = DisplayBuilder::default($backend)->inline(20)->build();
$widget = fn (string $title) => GridWidget::default()


for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    for ($ii = 0; $ii < 5; $ii++) {

    // insert _before_ the viewport, moving the cursor position down
    $display->insertBefore(20, $widget('done'));

Parameters #

Configure the viewport using the builder methods named as follows:

heightint<0, max>Height of the viewport