Getting Started

Getting Started #

Let’s render a map of the world.

Installation #

First create a new project:

mkdir tui-demo
cd tui-demo

and require the php-tui package:

composer require php-tui/php-tui

Rendering #

Now create the file map.php with the following content:



use PhpTui\Tui\DisplayBuilder;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Shape\MapResolution;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Shape\MapShape;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Widget\CanvasWidget;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$display = DisplayBuilder::default()->build();
    CanvasWidget::fromIntBounds(-180, 180, -90, 90)
  • The DisplayBuilder is a builder for the Display object, which is the primary entry point for the PHP-TUI library.
  • We call clear() to wipe the contents of the terminal.
  • We draw a widget on the display. The Widget objects are PHP-TUI’s building blocks.
  • The CanvasWidget is a special widget that allows us to draw arbitrary shapes.
  • The MapShape is an highly specialised example shape that is able to render the map of the world at either high or low resolutions.

Execute the script:

$ php map.php

and you should see something like the following:

Grids #

We’ve now rendered one widget to the entire screen. Let’s render more widgets!

To render multiple widgets we can use the GridWidget.



use PhpTui\Tui\DisplayBuilder;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Shape\MapResolution;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Shape\MapShape;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Widget\CanvasWidget;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Widget\GridWidget;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Widget\ParagraphWidget;
use PhpTui\Tui\Layout\Constraint;
use PhpTui\Tui\Text\Text;
use PhpTui\Tui\Widget\Direction;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$display = DisplayBuilder::default()->build();
            CanvasWidget::fromIntBounds(-180, 180, -90, 90)
                    The <fg=green>world</> is the totality of <options=bold>entities</>,
                    the whole of reality, or everything that is.[1] The nature of the
                    world has been <fg=red>conceptualized</> differently in different fields. Some
                    conceptions see the world as unique while others talk of a
                    plurality of <bg=green>worlds</>.
  • We specify that the grid be Horizontal but it can also be Vertical (the default).
  • We specify constraints. Each constraint specifies the desired dimensions of a “section”. We use percentage. But we can also use length (absolute size) min (has to be at least) or max (cannot be more than).
  • Each “constraint” represents a section which can be filled with a widget. You cannot specify more widgets than there are constraints!

When you run the script you should see something like the following:

The grid is a widget, and you can nest grids arbitrarily to create complex layouts!

Blocks #

The BlockWidget contains other widgets and provide borders and padding:



use PhpTui\Tui\DisplayBuilder;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Shape\MapResolution;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Shape\MapShape;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Widget\Block\Padding;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Widget\BlockWidget;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Widget\CanvasWidget;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Widget\GridWidget;
use PhpTui\Tui\Extension\Core\Widget\ParagraphWidget;
use PhpTui\Tui\Layout\Constraint;
use PhpTui\Tui\Text\Text;
use PhpTui\Tui\Text\Title;
use PhpTui\Tui\Widget\Borders;
use PhpTui\Tui\Widget\BorderType;
use PhpTui\Tui\Widget\Direction;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$display = DisplayBuilder::default()->build();
                    CanvasWidget::fromIntBounds(-180, 180, -90, 90)
                            The <fg=green>world</> is the totality of <options=bold>entities</>,
                            the whole of reality, or everything that is.[1] The nature of the
                            world has been <fg=red>conceptualized</> differently in different fields. Some
                            conceptions see the world as unique while others talk of a
                            plurality of <bg=green>worlds</>.
  • We specify a title. Titles can also be aligned horizontally and vertically.
  • We specify 2 cells of padding on all sides.
  • We want borders on all sides
  • We want our borders to be rounded

When you run the script you should see something like the following: